01/29/2020 06:14:26 PM
Homework for the Week of 1/29/2020
3rd Grade - Read pages 72 & 76, the letter final mem. (Also, keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, & chet.)
ם - Sesame Street Letter Mem (final mem occurs only at the end of a word)
4th Grade - No new HW this week!
5th Grade - Read the handout:
- ויקרא פרק י"ט פסוק כ"ג Leviticus Chapter 19, verse 23
- דברים פרק ח פסוקים ז-י Deuteronomy Chapter 8. verses 7-10
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring tefilin to the World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 2!
Also, please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)