Hebrew Homework & Resources
03/04/2020 06:33:11 PM
Homework for the Week of 3/4/2020
3rd Grade - Pages 100 & 104, the letter fay (also, keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, chet, final mem, tet, pay & samech).
פ - Click here for the letter pay on Shalom Sesame. - Pay and fay are similar (pay has a dot and fay does not)
4th Grade - Havdalah Worksheet
5th Grade - Review the words learned in class. There will be a test soon!!
6th Grade - In the siddur, LAST PRACTICE for the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. We are testing/leading these prayers in class on Sunday/next Wednesday. Then, we are moving forward!!
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)
02/26/2020 06:31:34 PM
Homework for the Week of 2/26/2020
3rd Grade - Pages 93 & 98, the letters pay & samech (also, keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, chet, final mem. & tet).
4th Grade - Handout - Parent signature required!
5th Grade - First, read Hebrew worksheet from Psalms - "On the Rivers of Babylon." Then, write:
Why is Israel important?
What does Israel mean to you?
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)
02/19/2020 06:25:17 PM
Homework for the Week of 2/19/2020
3rd Grade - No New HW - Continuing practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, chet, final mem. & tet.
4th Grade - Read the Hebrew numbers on the handout and then write down what you are reading beside it. Parent signature required!
5th Grade - Look up and answer:
Who was Nebuchadnezzar, and what did he do in Jerusalem?
Why did the Jews go to Persia?
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)
02/12/2020 06:26:54 PM
Homework for the Week of 2/12/2020
3rd Grade - Read pages 87 & 91, the letter tet. (Also, keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, chet, & final mem.)
ט - Sesame Street Letter Tet (final mem occurs only at the end of a word)
4th Grade - Practice reading on the handout, with a fun Hebrew transliteration puzzle (find the English words spelled in Hebrew)!
5th Grade - Sign & Return Test by 2/19! Also, practice "Aleinu" on siddur page 118.
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)
01/29/2020 06:14:26 PM
Homework for the Week of 1/29/2020
3rd Grade - Read pages 72 & 76, the letter final mem. (Also, keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, & chet.)
ם - Sesame Street Letter Mem (final mem occurs only at the end of a word)
4th Grade - No new HW this week!
5th Grade - Read the handout:
- ויקרא פרק י"ט פסוק כ"ג Leviticus Chapter 19, verse 23
- דברים פרק ח פסוקים ז-י Deuteronomy Chapter 8. verses 7-10
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's Recordings page, where you will find the Torah service audio files.
Please bring tefilin to the World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 2!
Also, please bring your Hebrew name (see email from Lissette and Moreh Justin)
01/22/2020 06:02:08 PM
Homework for the Week of 1/22/2020
3rd Grade - No new HW this week! Keep practicing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, ayin, nun, final nun, & chet.
4th Grade - No new HW this week!
5th Grade - Finish the worksheet we started in class. Also, read page 118 in the siddur.
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
01/15/2020 06:41:21 PM
Homework for the Week of 1/15/2020
3rd Grade - Read pages 62 & 67, the letters nun, final nun, & chet (in addition to bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, tzadee, yud, and ayin).
נ & ן - Sesame Street Letter Nun
4th Grade - Hineni Hebrew Book - page 19
Use the word bank to assist with finding answers!
5th Grade - 3 times throughout the week, choose a page from the siddur and practice reading Hebrew for 5 minutes each time.
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! The Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327 should be your greatest focus for this week.
01/08/2020 06:37:53 PM
Homework for the Week of 1/8/2020 - Happy New Year!
3rd Grade - Read pages 53 & 57, the letters yud & ayin (in addition to bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, and tzadee).
4th Grade - Hineni Hebrew Book - page 47
True or False Answers: T, F, T, F, T
Roots: holy, קדש
5th Grade - Finish the worksheet started in class, and practice reading page 116 in the siddur:
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, 320, 322, & 326-327. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! Today, we focused on Haftarah brachot on pages 326-327, so that should be your greatest focus for this week.
12/12/2019 12:34:18 PM
Homework for the Week of 12/11/2019
3rd Grade - No new Homework - Keep reviewing the letters bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, vav, koof, and tzadee.
4th Grade - Hineni Hebrew Book - pages 35 & 36
5th Grade - Review these two Chanukah songs:
הַנֵּרוֹת הַלָּלוּ - Hanerot Hallelu: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hanerothalalu
מעוז צור - Ma'oz Tzur: http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=maoztzur
6th Grade - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, and 320. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!!
12/04/2019 06:45:26 PM
Homework for the Week of 12/4/2019
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 7 - Read pages 45 & 47, the letters koof and tzadee (and reviewing previous letters, including bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, dalet, mem, alef, and vav). Please put a parent signature on the pages, due 12/11.
4th Grade - Hineni Hebrew Book - pages 29 & 31
Page 29 answers can be found by using the "Prayer Dictionary" as a resource on the page.
Page 31 answers can be found by following the directions and copying as modeled on the page.
5th Grade - Read and Review Worksheet - Students have the handout with them. Please have them complete anything missing and review with you. They should be able to read and tell you the meaning of every word on this sheet.
6th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, and 320. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!!
11/20/2019 06:44:54 PM
Homework for the Week of 11/20/2019 - Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
- 3rd grade Homework is to keep practicing from previous weeks!
- 4th grade Homework is to keep practicing from previous weeks!
- 5th grade Homework is to keep practicing from previous weeks!
- 6th grade Homework - In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, and 320. We have been practicing the Torah service in our workbooks and in the siddur. For Sunday, please give special attention to the 3rd paragraph of page 316 (Bey ana racheytz), which we worked on today.
11/13/2019 07:14:51 PM
Homework for the Week of 11/13/2019
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 6 - Read pages 39-41, the letters alef and vav (and reviewing previous letters, including bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, tav, and dalet). Please put a parent signature on the pages.
4th Grade - Vowel Review Worksheet
Top Half Line 1: ee, ee, ay, ay; Line 2: ah, ah, oh, oh; Line 3: oo, oo, eh, eh; Line 4: oh, i, oo, ay; Line 5: ah, ee, aye, eh; Line 6: ay, oo, ah, oh Bottom Half: Apply what you learned to the letters you already know!
5th Grade - Review Prayer Sight Words and complete the Conjugation Worksheet - Most students have everything completed and annotated so they can refer to their notes for assistance.
6th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of pages 312, 316, and 320. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! Over the next two Sundays, we will run through the opening of the service. Come prepared!
10/30/2019 06:34:39 PM
Homework for the Week of 10/30/2019
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 5 - Read pages 32-34, the letter dalet (and reviewing previous letters, including bet/vet, shin, lamed, resh, kaf/chaf, hey, and tav). Please put a parent signature on the pages.
4th Grade - Hineni 1 - Complete the activities on pages 15 and 17
- Page 15 answers match the glossary. From top to bottom, the words are transliterated: ma'areev araveem, chai, v'kayam, yeemloch
- The song at the bottom of the page is: "David, Melech Yisrael! Chai V'kayam!" - Learn the song here!
- Page 17 - The answers can be found on the page. The two lines are transliterated:
- Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha'olam, asher beed'varo ma'areev araveem...
- Baruch atach Adonai, ha'ma'areev araveem.
- Page 15 answers match the glossary. From top to bottom, the words are transliterated: ma'areev araveem, chai, v'kayam, yeemloch
5th Grade - Review the "Do Now" words that we practice every day. Students have the sheet and notes for reference.
6th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of page 312. While you should use the link below for Bar/Bat Mitzvah practice, the goal for this HW is to know the words!!! Sometime in the next two weeks, we will have reading assessments to make sure the Hebrew, not the transliteration or music, is what drives us forward.
10/23/2019 06:37:52 PM
Homework for the Week of 10/23/2019
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 4 - Read pages 25 & 27, the letter resh (and reviewing previous letters). Please put a parent signature on the pages.
4th Grade - Read and review the 5 final letters in the Hebrew alphabet (final chaf, mem, nun, fay, tzadi). Students have a sheet with each letter. Please put a parent signature on the sheet. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, 10/30.
ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ - (left to right --> tz, f, n, m, ch)
5th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice the 1st paragraph of page 69, the Avot/Imahot portion of the Amidah. Students know which words are "sight words" to review.
6th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice reading the entirety of page 312.
10/16/2019 06:42:01 PM
Homework for the Week of 10/16/2019 - Chag Sukkot Sameach! (Happy Sukkot holiday!)
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 3 - Read pages 18 & 19, the letter kaf (and reviewing previous letters). Please put a parent signature on the page.
4th Grade- Page 10 in the Hineni book - The bracha (blessing) we chant before reading the Torah.
5th Grade- In the siddur, practice the 1st paragraph of page 69, the Avot/Imahot portion of the Amidah.
6th Grade- In the siddur, continue to practice reading the first 7 lines on page 312.
Click here for Cantor Teplitz's recording of the opening of the Torah service
Today, we practiced shaking the lulav and etrog. Please view this video and keep the experience going throughout Sukkot! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwLKecpRC6w
10/02/2019 06:37:37 PM
Homework for the Week of 10/2/2019 - Shana Tova u'Metukah (a Happy & Sweet New Year!)
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Lesson 3 - Read pages 16 & 17, the letter lamed. Please put a parent signature on the page. This assignment is due on 10/16.
4th Grade- Page 8 in the Hineni book
ANSWERS for section 1: T, F, T, F, T
ANSWER for section 2: Barchu Et Adonai Hamvorach. Baruch Adonai Hamvorach Leolam Vaed.
5th Grade- In the siddur, practice the 1st paragraph of page 150, reviewing the words learned in class (see student notebooks).
Transliteration of page 150:
6th Grade- In the siddur, practice reading the first 7 lines on page 312.
Watch this link for the words and melody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVjHiBH1aA0. It has the entire Torah opening service, so read along in the siddur and then stop. We will eventually learn this entire procession.
Students were amazing tonight with the first 4 lines, so let's keep practicing the last 3!
09/25/2019 06:23:58 PM
Homework update for 9/25/2019
3rd Grade - Read New Hebrew Primer book pages 12 and 13 to practice the letter mem. Parents, please sign the page to indicate that your children practiced.
5th grade - Review the words given thus far in prior classes.
First Class - Read the first paragraph of page 150 in the siddur.
Second Class - Listen to Ani Ve'ata by Arik Ainstein
09/22/2019 06:25:30 PM
Homework for Week of 9/22/2019:
3rd Grade - Hebrew Primer Book – Read pages 6 and 8, the letters bet, tav, and shin – Please sign your children’s pages to indicate that they practiced reading.
4th Grade- Do exercise on pages 5 & 6 in Hineni book.
5th Grade- Read, recognize, and become familiar with the 8 new Hebrew vocabulary words given in class. Please study 5 minutes per day. These are words from our prayers.
6th Grade- In the siddur, practice reading the first 7 lines on page 312 & the first 2 lines on page 314.
Watch this link for the words and melody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVjHiBH1aA0. It has the entire Torah opening service, so read along in the siddur and then stop. We will eventually learn this entire procession.