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Second Generation

Second Generation strives to make sure that the Holocaust is never forgotten and that it will never happen again. Second Generation works towards expanding existing educational efforts about the history and lessons of the Holocaust, and the richness of Jewish life before the Second World War. The American philosopher George Santayana has warned that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. 

Remembering can instill caution, fortify restraint, and protect against future evil or indifference.  The sense of outrage in the face of the Holocaust expressed in the declaration “Never Again” - neither to the Jewish people nor to any other people - must be informed by an understanding of what happened and why.

Over eighty years ago the darkest, most murderous moment of history was unleashed, and the voices of freedom and justice were still.  Sadly, those voices were mute as Nazi persecution became increasingly intense, widespread, and systematic, culminating in a campaign of extermination against Europe’s Jews.  When the slaughter was over, six million Jews had been killed. Those who survived the killing camps tell us that as many of those people were being slaughtered, their last words were “Remember us.  Remember us.”

The Holocaust Remembrance Fund was established by Second Generation to promote awareness of the Holocaust.  The fund was created to expand existing educational efforts about the history and lessons of the Holocaust, and the richness of Jewish life before the Second World War. 

The Holocaust Remembrance Fund was also used to create our Holocaust Memorial at Marlboro Jewish Center which was dedicated on April 18, 2004.  Donations to this Fund will be greatly appreciated.

If there are any Holocaust survivors, children of survivors, and/or family members who possess artifacts or photos relating to the Holocaust or the period prior to or immediately after the Holocaust, we would appreciate it if you would contact us. S

econd Generation is involved in various programming and educational activities, including Kristallnacht, Yellow Candle and Yom HaShoah related programs. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join. 

We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and visions. For information contact: Marvin Glickstein (732) 972-0259 

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785