Cantor Teplitz's Passover Recordings
- Light these lights- by Debbie Friedman (before lighting the candles)
- Kadesh Urchatz- Babylonian melody (the order of the Seder)
- Kiddush (the blessing over the wine)
- The four questions- traditional folktune (sung by the youngest one at the table)
- Avadim Hayinu- traditional folktune
- The balled of the four sons- by Ben Aronin (to the tune of Clementine)
- Building cities (for younger children)
- Let my people go (to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad")
- Listen King Pharoah (for younger children)
- Go down Moses- by William Faulkner
- One morning (the frog song- for younger children)
- Dayenu- traditional folktune (3 verses)
- Afikoman Mambo- by Joe Black
- Eiliyahu HaNavi- traditional folktune
- Miriam's song- by Debbie Friedman
Please click here to access our Hebrew School music teacher Sheri Chalnik's Passover recordings!
Supplemental recordings:
- Web of Women (lyrics by Rabbi Jack Gabriel, music by Nancy Beller Krieger)
- "Matzah"- Passover Song Parody (by Sam Levine)
- "Afikomen (There's someone hiding my snack)"- Passover Song Parody (by Sam Levine)
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785