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Committees of the Board of Trustees

Marlboro Jewish Center is blessed to have dedicated members of its community play important roles in the daily life
of our Synagogue. From our Executive Committee to our Board of Trustees and our many lay lead committees,
there is room for everyone who wants to volunteer their time to make MJC a better place.

Bikur Cholim
(Hospital Visitation)
Brighten someone's day and do a mitzvah by making hospital visits. Committee members commit to a few hours a month.
B’nai Mitzvah Review all B’nai Mitzvah policies, in conjunction with the Rabbi, Cantor, and Ritual Administrator. 
Budget & Finance Prepare annual budget to be presented to the Board of Trustees and the congregation for their approval. Oversee financial matters of the congregation, including investments and endowments.
Cemetery Oversee and manage synagogue cemetery operations, with the synagogue owning plots at Beth Israel cemetery in Woodbridge. 
College Outreach Support member college students and maintain their synagogue connections while away at college by sending baskets throughout the year, as well as other communications. 
Decorating A sub-committee of House, recommend design decisions for the buildings, consult on purchases that affect the décor or ambiance of the synagogue.
Education Supervise the educational policies of the congregation and oversee the Preschool, Hebrew School, and Adult Education programs. Work with MJC’s Educational Directors and clergy to determine policies and curriculum and to manage the administration of all educational programming.
Fundraising Ensure a thriving and vibrant future for generations to come through generating philanthropic support of the synagogue. Organize annual fundraisers such as: High Holiday Appeal, Journal dinner (biennial), Purim Mishloach Manot baskets, Texas Hold’em Tournament, and the MJC Golf Outing. Create new programs to encourage giving and integrate fundraising opportunities into other aspects of MJC life.
House Manage the synagogue facility operations. Oversee necessary repairs and overall maintenance of the facilities, advise regarding expenditures, and recommend best courses of action for general upkeep and functioning of MJC facilities. 
Israel Affairs Promote Israel related education and programming for the benefit of our members.
Membership Maintain MJC’s vibrant community by recruiting new members and retaining current ones. Create engaging programs for all demographics to preserve the welcoming and lively nature of the community.
MJC Connection Foster a strong, cohesive, close-knit community by organizing activities that bridge all aspects of MJC, including the Synagogue, Preschool, Religious School and Youth Programming. Innovate programs to help enhance the membership experience. 
Nominating Select synagogue leadership through filling Board of Trustee and officer leadership slots. 
Ritual Offer guidance to the clergy on policies for religious services, ceremonies, life cycle events, and holidays. Appoint and train gabbaim and ushers and assign honors for religious services. Oversee oneg/kiddush procedures.
Second Generation Descendants of Holocaust survivors; this committee organizes programs and educational activities about the Holocaust, including Kristallnacht and Yom Ha’shoah programs and the yellow candle project
Security Oversee synagogue security operations and review security issues relevant to the synagogue and local Jewish community. Recommend policies and procedures to enhance the synagogue’s safety and security measures. 
Social Action Provide opportunities for the synagogue community to contribute to important social causes. Organize volunteer programs, arrange donation collections, and coordinate activities/services geared at making an impact on various current social issues.
Special Arrangements Review, on a confidential and anonymous basis, dues appeals submitted by synagogue members. Participation in this committee is by invitation only, in order to preserve the anonymity and confidentiality of the members. 
Technology A sub-committee of House, manage the technological aspect of the facilities, including MJC’s computers, internet wiring, phone system, and more. 
Tzedakah Approve and administer tzedakah funds to help people in our community in need.
Youth Supervise MJC’s four outstanding youth group programs: Katan, Pre-Kadima, Kadima, and USY. Work with the Youth Advisor to develop and implement fun, safe, and educational youth activities.


Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785