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Cantor Teplitz's Shabbat Recordings

Page numbers are based off of "Siddur Lev Shalem"- by the Rabbinical Assembly

Friday Service(Hebrew School Tefillah prayer packet)

Saturday Morning Service

Saturday Afternoon/Evening Service

Mincha Service

- Tallit Blessing (text)
- Ashrey (214-215)
- Hatzi Kaddish (217)
- Va'ani Tefilati (218)  
- Gadlu  (218)
- Aliyah Blessing (recording) (text)
- Yehalelu (221)
- Uv'nucho Yomar (222)
- Hatzi Kaddish (222) 
same as above
- Mincha Amidah (223-224)
- Mincha Kedushah (225)
- Kaddish Shalem (230)
- Aleinu (231)

Ma'ariv/Havdalah Service

- V'hu rachum/Barchu (264)
- Before the Shema (264)
- Shema/V'ahavta/end of Shema (265-266)
- Havdalah service (283)

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785