Cantor Teplitz's Shabbat Recordings
Page numbers are based off of "Siddur Lev Shalem"- by the Rabbinical Assembly
Friday Night Service
- Shema/V'ahavta/end of Shema (41-42)
- Mi Chamocha (44)
- Veshamru (46)
- Hatzi Kaddish (46)
- Kaddish Shalem (54)
- Kiddush (55)
- Aleinu (56-57)
- Adon Olam (211)
version 1 version 2 version 3 version 4
Saturday Morning Service
Shacharit Service
- Tallit Blessing (text)
- Morning Blessings (103-104)
- Baruch She'amar (122)
- Ashrey- open and close (136)
- Halleluyah (141)
- Nishmat (145)
- Yishtabach/ B'rachote (148)
- Hatzi Kaddish (148)
- Barchu/ Yotzer Or (149-150)
- L'eyl/ Or Chadash (153)
- Ahava Raba/ V'ha'eyr ay-nay-nu
- V'ha-vee-ay-nu (154)
- Shema/V'ahavta (155)
- Vayomer/end of Shema (156)
- Ezrat- open and close (157-158)
- T'hilot --> Ga'al Yisrael (158)
- Shacharit Amidah (159-160)
- Shacharit Kedushah (161)
- Kaddish Shalem (167)
Hallel Service
- Opening blessing (316)
- B'tzeit Yisrael (316)
- Adonai Zicharanu Yivarech (317)
- Hodu La-donai Key Tov (319)
- Min Ha-may-tzar (319)
- Pitchu Li (320)
- Oh-d'cha (320)
- Baruch Ha-bah (320)
Torah Service
- Eyn Kamocha (168)
- Bey ana racheytz (170)
- Shema/Echad/Gadlu (171)
- Aliyah Blessing (recording) (text)
- Haftarah before blessing
- Haftarah after blessings- links below
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
- Ashrey (181-182)
- Yehalelu (183)
- Uv'nucho Yomar (184)
Musaf Service
- Hatzi Kaddish (184)
- Musaf Amidah (185-186)
- Kedushah- links below (187)
- Na-aritz-cha- Kadosh
- K'vodo- Baruch
- Mim'komo- Shema
- Hu Eloheinu- Yimloch
(version 1)
Hu Eloheinu- Yimloch
(version 2) - L'dor Vador (version 1)
L'dor Vador (version 2)
L'dor Vador (version 3)
- Kaddish Shalem (203)
- Eyn Keloheinu (204)
-version 1 -version 2
- Aleinu (205-206)
- Adon Olam (211)
see links above
- Kiddush (77)
Saturday Afternoon/Evening Service
Mincha Service
- Tallit Blessing (text)
- Ashrey (214-215)
- Hatzi Kaddish (217)
- Va'ani Tefilati (218)
- Gadlu (218)
- Aliyah Blessing (recording) (text)
- Yehalelu (221)
- Uv'nucho Yomar (222)
- Hatzi Kaddish (222)
same as above
- Mincha Amidah (223-224)
- Mincha Kedushah (225)
- Kaddish Shalem (230)
- Aleinu (231)
Ma'ariv/Havdalah Service
- V'hu rachum/Barchu (264)
- Before the Shema (264)
- Shema/V'ahavta/end of Shema (265-266)
- Havdalah service (283)